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Design innovation is different for everybody. It’s doing things a little bit differently than you’ve done them in the past. It’s changing your (automated) processes and adapting based on things that have happened to you and are exposed to your company. A lot of the innovation that we (MJ Engineering) deal with on a daily basis is based around software, computers, technology – applications of software. 

When I consider my hiring process, I look for well-rounded individuals that can think for themselves – that are self starters. They’ll pick up on the technology piece. They’ll pick up on the innovation. They’ll learn better ways to do things. So we look for people who are looking to expand their horizons and make themselves better. 

Technology changes everyday. A good example of that is we integrate Fanuc robots. Fanuc has some new software options that are available for automation equipment, and those options could drastically cut down on the time to get all the software programming done, get a turntable up and running, and handle all the communication between the various components. And if you don’t take advantage of that kind of technology then the job takes longer than you think – and you don’t make as much money. New technology and innovation change every facet of what we do from simple things like adding a CLM package to help our sales process – to adding different robots. 

One of the big ones (innovative options) we can provide to our customers now is collaborative robot support. Collaborative robot support means we can put a production robot in there (a customers manufacturing floor) and not have any fencing around it. It (the robot) can work next to the person – next to the operator. It can save on floor space. It can allow you to integrate tasks where “task A” and “task C” are extremely good for the robot to do, but “task B” is very difficult for the robot to do so you can actually set up a cell much more now where the robot can do task A, a person can do task B, and the robot can do task C, and they can work seamlessly together. That’s an innovation that 3 or 4 years ago didn’t really exist. Without designing innovation and without taking advantage of it, we wouldn’t be in business today. It’s a necessary aspect of doing business today. If you don’t take advantage of the innovation and the opportunities you have, you’re going to get left behind. There’s always a better way. There’s always a better way to do things.

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